FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE AND POLICY STUDIES PREPARED BY : NURUL MIZA BINTI MOHAMAD SANY STUDENT ID & GROUP : 2024572927 & D1AM1101A PREPARED FOR : DR. NURSYAHIDA BINTI ZULKIFLI INTRODUCTION Assalamualaikum and hi everyone, my name is Nurul Miza Binti Mohamad Sany. I am a student who currently study at UiTM Kelantan, Kampus Machang majoring Diploma in Public Administration. Im from group 1A. The main purpose im doing this portfolio is to introduce the student about subject UED102 that provide student about learning and study skills essential for varsity life. SYLLABUS CONTENT In this subject, we will go through the following content : 1. TOPIC 1 - Getting Raedy to Learn 2. TOPIC 2 - Goal Setting 3. TOPIC 3 - Librabry and Campus Resources 4. TOPIC 4 - Time Management and Organizational Skills 5. TOPIC 5 ...